This is the most accurate phone session I have ever had with a psychic. During my reading Stephen kept seeing the colors brown and gold. I did not realize at the time what he was seeing. He saw brown and gold around me in the room. He then asked me if my walls were painted brown and gold or if there was brown and gold in the room I was standing in. I kept saying no. (These were the only questions he asked me) After the reading I looked down and realized that I forgot that I was wearing a new sweater. It was brown with gold sequins on it. I was shocked. It was like this guy could see through the phone. I asked if my boyfriend’s surgery would go alright. Stephen told me that my boyfriend’s surgery was going to be fine, but first it would be postponed. Later, when I told my boyfriend this, he said, “No way will it be postponed—it’s too serious.” Two weeks passed and we received a call from the doctor and the surgery was postponed! Many other predictions have come true with such detail that it has got to be truly psychic. Needless to say, I’m looking forward to a second phone session with Stephen.
Pros: Accurate details