I had the unfortunate experience of dropping into this store recently for a number of items. I had many complaints.
First, the store is horribly cramped, and it is very difficult to find anything. The merchandise is very overpriced; I found similar (if not higher) quality items down the street at the Capezio shop in Wellesley last year. I can buy a pair of tights at Capezio for LESS than half of what I paid here.
But the worst part of the visit, by far, was the rude shop attendant I dealt with. She was unbelievably pushy, and would NOT allow me to simply browse! I told her right up front that I was ""just looking,"" but she kept pestering me and pestering me, insisting that she knew what I needed. She certainly did NOT know what I needed! I would start to explain, and she'd simply cut me off, and pull out irrelevant (and very expensive) items for my consideration. I still regret having handed this woman any of my money, but I was desperate, and didn't have time to go anywhere else. I left the shop with the bare minimum of merchandise possible (and still spent $100!). I was very angry at how I was treated; being in that shop was certainly a test of my ability to ""be the bigger person"" and not rip into this woman! Never again.
Pros: Conveniently located
Cons: Rude owner, very high prices