The truth about Vegan Factory
1. They change oil once a week or sometime once every other week.
2. If you order Miso soup, be aware that it has protein from FISH not be made from tofu.
3. Be careful when you order Soy chicken drumstick or Soy chicken nugget, they are covered with mole but they are still selling it to you. The Freezer has been broken for quite sometimes but never been fixed.
4. They store daily produce, such as REAL MEAT or EGG, in the same refrigerator or freezer with all the soy produce.
5. They don?t use ORGANIC VEGETABLE. Mostly they purchase from local market. I would say less than 5 percent of all the produce is ORGANIC.
6. If Thai ice tea has not been selling for awhile and it get mole, basically they would just get rid of the mole and STILL sell Thai ice tea to you. So as Peanut Sauce and Curry.
7. Some of vegetable get mole but they are still using it.
If you don?t believe what I just said, you should ask the owner to give you a tour to their kitchen and you would know the real Vegan Factory