Crossroads has a unique way of helping teens get off of alcohol and other substances. They taught me how to stay sober and more importantly how to like staying sober. My life changed after my first appointment at Crossroads. I spent the first few months of sobriety hanging out with people, staying up late at night, having fun and fellowship with people my own age. These people were also staying sober. At around 3 months of sobriety, I got a job. Things started to become important to me. When I say things I mean anything other than myself. Having a job, going to school, amending my broken relationship with my family, just to name a few. I attended meetings and functions provided by Crossroads until I graduated the program. From there I have continued to be a productive member of society. I attend A.A. meeetings almost daily, I go to work everyday and I have a loving relationship with my family. I am in debt to Crossroads because they helped me save my life. They gave me the tools that I choose to live my life by today. I guess that I get a little offended when people say that Crossroads takes up too much time, because in the big picture, that is what Crossroads has given me, time. Time to live and enjoy my life sober and happy. I love who they are and what they do. I am grateful that Crossroads is set up the way that it is, because it helped me at 18, find a way to get sober and love it!
Pros: saved my life
Cons: can't get high anymore, cause life is so good!