after my emergency csection i suffered so much emotional stress and physical pain that i developed post traumatic stress disorder. the drs at this practice confused that with the more commonly diagnosed postpartum depression. Long story short, i was on medication that made me sick and because they thought i was crazy when my family and I requested i be put on something else the ""newest dr"" at this practice said "" thats all you get"" She refused to even consider the fact that i might be having adverse reactions to my pain meds. i was humiliated and miserable and i missed out on 2 weeks of my daughters life because of how sick i was and yet this drs office did not care because they thought it was all in my head. as soon as i stopped taking the pain medications i was much better. I wish i had stopped taking them sooner but i didnt think i could bare the pain. I really wish that dr would have listened to me because that medication made me dizzy and weak and wired. i could not sleep and thats horrible for recovering from surgery. this incompetant "" Dr"" failed to provide me with the proper medical treatment because she didnt like the way i was acting. So this might be a good place for you if you can promise yourself you wont develop any kind of emotional issues after a traumatic birth. The bottom line is.... whether i was postpartum, post traumatic, or wacked out of my brains, my physical health should not have been ignored. please be careful if you go to this practice.
Pros: Great Nurses and Receptionists
Cons: What are the drawbacks?