In about 8 months I dropped 25 pounds with Jennifer's expertise. In the 8 or 9 months following that I haven't put on a lb. back. \r
Jennifer is interested in educating her clients about holistically healthy living; finding an eating lifestyle that her client will enjoy, but that is reasonable for attaining goals. Jennifer is very results oriented and is greatly invested in her clients' entire well-being. She facilitates a working relationship with her clients that is personable and non-judgmental. And she is genuine, a pleasure to work with. This is how professionalism was went to be, in my opinion. \r
Jennifer has given me insights into weight management, and thus healthy living, that I will have with me forever. I can not overemphasize the effectiveness of her insights related to eating lifestyle.\r
Jennifer has a passion for helping her clients meet their goals. She makes her clients feel like a priority in how accessable she is to follow-up meetings or communication via email. \r
I'm so glad I took advantage of the opportunity I had to work with her. I'm looking good and enjoying eating. And I know that I can always count on Jennifer for support.\r