I have ONLY attended the 321 Bounce in Everett, WA but will NEVER frequent it again. For starters ""managment"" is not qualitfied and do not have customer service skills...then on the real reason I am writing a review: My son has worn glasses since the age of 2 and can not see the large ""E"" on the eye chart. So when we went to this facility for a friends birthday party they infomed me that my son could not bounce with them. Let me tell you, from a mom of a 5 yr old we have been to every ""bounce house"" facility in WA for parties and this is the ONLY facility that told him no glasses. This of course made my son feels as if something was ""wrong"" with him and he cried many tears. I feel as if they discriminated against him. They never once told the parents to take off their glasses and I signed a waiver for my child to play. They claim they were not afraid of their equipment but for the safety of my child. For all you that have children with glasses...childrens glasses are the safest, compared to adult glasses. So they have this extremly ""silly"" rule (to be kind I will use that word) plus many many many more restrictions they they will not waiver on. So my suggestion is to go to Pump It Up or Jump Planet for some real fun! And if you dare to go to 321 Bounce call ahead for all their ""rules"" so you can prep your child as well with yourself!
Pros: kids seem to like it
Cons: everything