I went to Stephen about a year ago. I just returned for another reading on Feb 18 because his predictions all came true. He never asked me questions. I asked him questions and he answered them with accuracy. I asked about possibly meeting a nice guy. I was lonely and wanted a relationship. He predicted the exact type of guy I would meet and be happy with. Stephen gave uncanny details about this future person. He said that he would have a military background, that he would be talking about the Marines a lot with his friends. As it turned out I met a great guy who was just out of the Marines and who has a lot of Marine friendsjust as predicted. He also predicted that this guy would be into some business directly related to construction of houses and real estate. Right again! My boyfriend is a construction architect and in real estate, he buys houses and flips them. He also gave a physical description, the time frame in which we would meetall accurately. He even said that my new boyfriend would be into specific sports like boating, kayaking, hiking and skiing. He is into every one of those activities. When I asked about my fathers health, he saw lung cancer (which was right on). At no time did I even mention this to Stephen. Then he said that I should spend as much time with my father as possible because he didnt have long to live. Stephen was right. My father passed away on New Years Evejust a few months later. Im amazed at Stephens accuracy. I would highly recommend him. He is worth the time and money. The only question that Stephen asked me was to ask him questions. I asked and he answered. I give him a 100% on his ability to predict the future.
Pros: He's honest and true