While on a trip we went to Daves as listed by the hotel as a nearby restaurant. Let's start with the service, horrible. Years ago I was a server so I know what it takes to be good. The girl I had was not good, in fact she was miserable! I had my bad mood days but I checked that at door and made my guests feel welcomed and taken care of. This is the first time EVER I actually was forced to stiff a waitress.
I ordered fried sea scallops, they were greasey and mushy, really gross. And finally, there is a Red Sox / Yankees game on and the screen in front of me has The Wheel of Fortune on....are you kidding me?? Solve this puzzle... BAD EXP_RI_NCE. If you dare to go there and your servers' first name starts with an A, run the other way!
Pros: none
Cons: service