Hey lived there for 6 months it wasnt the best I lived at. First you think it would be quiet being where it is but all night long their is sirens. It is in a high crime neighboor hood so lock your doors. The managment seem friendly at first but as soon as you questions them on anything they get real ugly. Make sure to take pictures of the apt. when you move in and document everythign that is wrong with it even something as small as a chip in the paint or you will be paying for it when you move out... I was charged 130 when i finally moved out for stuff such as blinds being dirty, cleaing the lights.., drip pan on the stove, and everyone pays a 60 soemthing dallor carpet fee THAT they fail to mention to your ready to move out. Also you have a month after you move out to get your depsite well i got mine after a month and a couple weeks and only because i went there and wouldnt leave to i got it.... So just a friendly warning stay clear of that complex.
Cons: horriable service, lots of street noice, outragous moveout