There is nothing more regrettable than paying good money for a bad meal especially in these financial times, but there was not a single regrettable moment in my experience Ramsay's restaurant last night, and honestly...I went in expecting one. The wait staff was outstanding from the moment I stepped in, to say nothing of the beautiful ambiance throughout this hotel. My friends and I selected the ""wine & dine"" option from the dinner menu which allows you select four items from several delectable options and includes a wine selection recommended by the sommelier. The portions initially seemed small but at the conclusion of the wine and dine we were all full and elated. Every single item was perfection, from the aromatic starter salad with divine truffles and parmesan shavings to the perfectly cooked sea bass with just a dollop of caviar. Do not even get me started on the caramelized banana dessert that just melted in my mouth. I came into Ramsay's a cynic, but my experience was proof positive that there are a few occasions in life when you can believe the hype.
Pros: Food and Service
Cons: If you're anti-valet...good luck parking.