Regarding the review saying that Alexia's was a tint shop full of inexperienced and incompetent workers, I would like to clarify, for the record, that I was there when this ""incident"" occurred.
You know how you can tell that some people just like to complain? They'll complain about the time of day, if given the chance. Well, this was one of those women that are like that.
This is what happened: Alexia very calmy explained to her that film can take up to a month and a half to complete it's ""curing"" process, and any ""hazy or bubbly"" areas that are seen before that time are normal and will clear up with time. Alexia very nicely explained that it had only been 4 days (I gather this lady's car was tinted Saturday, though, that would put my count at only 3 days,but whatever), and that it needed some time to dry.
To ""quote"" the care instructions, like she was so quick to try to do, ""To speed the process, if possible, let your car sit in the sun or in a well heated garage. Cold and wet weather will also slow the dry out time, slow curing will not affect the performance of your film."" This is DIRECTLY FROM the SAME care intructions that we BOTH got. I can read, can she? (The weather this weekend was mostly wet and cloudy, FYI) The ""three day"" thing she is trying to quote has nothing to do with what she is saying her problem was.
So here's the thing. I have used this tint shop before and have had NOTHING BUT EXCELLENT SERVICE!!!!! Their employees have been nothing but helpful, kind and courteous every time I have been there.
Anyway, the reason I am writing this review is because this woman was AWFUL to the business owner Alexia, and this woman said many vulgar and disparaging things to her. Alexia did call her a bit@h. Yup. She did. After the lady called HER one, AND much worse. Alexia endured a great deal of verbal abuse from this lady before she lost her cool. Anyone would have. This lady was threatening to come here(citysearch) and complain, so I am here in defense of a good business that deserves your business.
She;s lucky she wasnt talking to me, I don't know that I would have kept such great personal control as Alexia.
And that's the real story. :)
Pros: Everything
Cons: Nothing, except fellow customers