I dropped my Baby Boy ""dog"" off for a surgery to remove or de-bulk a tumor in his mouth, which seemed fine. So I am sitting on the couch with my boy and I notice he is tucking his feet. I inspect them and see that all his nail have been ""cut"". When I say cut, I mean that they are now the length of a pencil eraser. Which of course means that they were and are still bleading. Now I can see that maybe a doctor will trim a nail, but to butcher all of them to this point is insane. MY boy now does not wish to walk or scratch at the door to go out side due to the obvious pain that he is in at this time. I am saddened that someone that I thought that I could trust would do this with out my consent or even advising me afterward. I am deeply concerned. I feel that it is a form of animal cruelty. Really people if I cut all of your nails and made them blead, even under anesthesia I am sure that when you awoke you would feel wounded. Oh and all this by a professional. I am DONE.
Pros: Works with me on money issues. is that enough though
Cons: Read my above issuesand youtell me!