I am a former server of Bud's Seafood. I agree with the first and second reviews. As a former server I will admit that some of the people that work there are incredibley rude. Honestly though, in our defense, customers could be a little more polite to us. There are a lot of people out there that go to a restaraunt and treat the person or persons serving them like dirt. Some people don't think that servers and bussers and the kitchen staff really work all that hard. If you've ever been in the restaraunt business then you know that one of the most challenging jobs is being a server. Some honestly believe that servers don't do any work, they just memorize menus and serve you. Not true at all. Servers are some of the most hard working people in the entire restaraunt. And just so you know, there are other people waiting for their food ahead of you. You being rude doesn't make your food come any faster. We have no control over how fast the kitchen cooks. Unless you've ever worked as a server and lived off of the generosity of others, don't tell us how to do our jobs. Be nice.