The gentleman (keoki) writing this complaint is Thomas Christianson and Cole Air Conditioning never installed any work for him or on his home. Cole Air Conditioning has never priced 10 tons of air conditioning to this person. Mr. Christianson wanted our sheet metal shop to build him some square duct elbows that we knew would not work correctly. We explained this to Mr. Christianson and explained that we did not feel we could meet his needs on what he wanted built. Mr. Christianson became very agitated and argumentative and we had a difficult time in getting him to leave the premises. We regret he has chosen to spread lies about the situation but we could not build what he wanted and it work correctly. Mr. Christianson was wanting us to build a duct that went from 20? X 20? to an elbow made up of six 3.125? X 20? ducts, and the problem is six ducts that are 3.125? x 20? will only allow about 45% of the airflow of a duct that is 20? x 20?. Mr. Christianson is attempting to install his own air conditioning system and we explained what will happen if you restrict 55% of the airflow. Mr. Christianson felt he was correct and we were wrong so we did not think we should become involved in his attempt to do his own air conditioning system.