My husband and I are the present pastors of Church of the Harvest. As many churches do, the church went through a major storm before we became pastors and some families felt they needed to go elsewhere. During the past year, we have seen a major change in the atmosphere - we now have a revival atmosphere reaching out into the community. We are a multi-cultural church full of enthusiam with more than enough love to give away. Our Family Night on Wednesdays reaches out to each member of the family and Celebrate Recovery on Thursdays is ministering to people from all walks of life. We see not only addicts and alcoholics recovering but also those who have recently come through divorce find wholeness once again. Our music program is unlike any you have experienced with an anointing that will help you enter a place of worship that will prepare you for whatever you may face in your personal life. COTH Youth meet not only on Wednesdays for training but also on Friday for implementing what they have already received. In fact, one Sunday each quarter, the youth lead praise and worship and our youth pastors ministers. What a great blessing to see the youth serving in each area of the ministry. PRAYER is our focus and LOVE is the motivator that causes us to arise daily expecting God's blessings and direction for reaching our community.
Pros: Family influenced!