Best photo lab in Knoxville!
With regards to a review left by "ntaw", this person hasn't a clue what they are talking about! They can't even leave their own name so if there actually WAS a problem with photos it could be resolved. Instead, they write trash. Come forward and don't be such a coward.
Jeffrey Photo Lab was in business for over 26 years in Montvue Center. We had to close the business due to numerous reasons. We tried to operate out of our home for a short time but had to sell our equipment to EAT!!! We have NEVER taken, stolen, abused, or any other description, from ANY customer we have ever delt with. The person leaving the negative comment (if it's who I think it is) DID get their photos and was so rude trying to get the order correct, yet they feel the need to trash our name. There was a mix-up and she received the wrong photos. It was corrected but she was STILL not happy. She wanted more photos and her money refunded. Now you tell me... is that not stealing?
We are a reputable company that stands behind our name. Don't let one person who has a stick up their rear deterr you from doing business with us. We honor our customers.
Pros: everything
Cons: out of business