My mother and I are frequent diners to the various restaurants around town. This past Saturday, March 21, 2009, we decided to try Tradicao for the first time. We made reservations for 6:00pm, got there and was sat right away. There were only a couple of other tables being used by guest. We were greeted immediately by our server and drinks were brought soon after. We then proceeded to the salad bar area. Once done with that, let the meat bringing begin! \r
All the meat we had was great. Good flavor and a variety. We were sitting down and thinking, this would be a great restaurant along Westheimer or over in the Village. Business would be insane! We finished our dinner and got the bill, paid cash and out the door. \r
About 830pm, I had to take a pack of Alka-Seltzer due to the heartburn I was having. I fell asleep about 10pm, and around 2:30am, I woke up only to be releasing the food back through my mouth, upset stomach, and severe watery stools for the next 4 hours (NON-STOP.) I was thinking, there is no freaking way this is happening to me. What did I eat that made me so sick? I didn't know, but I did know I had to go to the emergency room right away or else I was going to pass out from dehydration. Mom woke up and hopped in the car with me and off we went. We spent all Sunday morning in the emergency room with an IV in my left arm. Had saline running through my line, as well as IV nausea medication. Was told my guts were irritated from food, which caused me to release my food back through my mouth and severe watery stools non-stop. \r
Mom kept saying too bad I had this happen cause it was good food. \r
I spent twice the amount of money paying for the emergency room visit, as well as the three prescriptions given to me to take when I got home. Today is Friday, almost one week later and I still can only eat bland food (dry toast and scrambled eggs.) I have recently added 100% fruit popsicles into my diet. Other than that, food comes right back out. \r
Please note, I am NOT telling you not to try this restaurant, but if you start to release your food from your mouth or watery stools within hours, you know what it is. I wish this didn't happen to me, and on my first visit, cause I did enjoy myself. I will try it again, but maybe in a year or so. Not anytime soon.\r
Pros: Great price for the amount of food...
Cons: First time dining here, sent me to the EC..