i recently was at american carwash service and repair / quik lube or whatever it is now. i think they dont know what they are anymore. it seems that the head mechanic was let go to lack of work so i was told.i have witnessed first hand that this person that was let go was the foundation for making the company expand but was always held back when he suggested options for different things.. he was always good to his clientel such as myself and others and its to bad that he out of all that are left was the one to go. my opinion is that was a real bad move on the company to let go of the top guy they had who could have ran the shop in better ways than it is being run now. im sorry to say i wont be back and i will be trying to find out his new location to take my work to him. i would sure like to tell the others that if i find him i will try to find a way to tell all. in all i along with others will not return to your shop do to bad judgment and letting the wrong mechanic take the walk.he was your foundation for the future to bad for you and your company.
Pros: was reliable place to fix my car
Cons: no qualified mechanics left