My husband pressure broke his screen on his T-Mobile Dash, he really loved his phone and had a lot of info on it so he decided to take it to get repaired at action link wireless. He bought the phone with a $50 memory card. When he picked up his phone, the memory card was gone. This is the perfect scam for them because you can not prove you had one in there in the fist place. All the manager said to us when we asked for it was that ""they don't even bother with that part of the phone"", so, of course they wouldn't take a free memory card. I would HIGHLY recommend not setting foot in that store, but if you do, take your memory card or any addition to your phone off before you hand it to them.
Pros: They can fix screens
Cons: They steal things out of your phone, have no values, and is not a trustworthy company.