A horrible and deceptive company with nothing but profit in mind. THEY WILL SCREW YOU. REALLY. Their scam is simple: Make it impossible to cancel the contract. They lie on the phone. They lie to get you to sign up. They lie when they tell you how to end contract. They tell you to send cancel request to the wrong address(es). It is difficult to contact them in any way. Non-helpful and deceitful customer service. Threatening to s u e them is the course I recommend. Also: contact the B B B., FTC and local Chamber of Commerce. Send them loads of Certified letters with return receipts. Lie back to them: Tell them you have become permanently disabled. Stay away from them at all costs. Good luck if you are trying to get away from their evil clutches. They are the reason we hate Gold's Gym. I have never had a more horrible experience with any company ever.
Cons: Deceiptful and evil