This woman is not professional in any way, takes forever to write a report, bills you large amounts of money but you have no clue what she's even done and when she FINALLY writes a report she takes the easy road and writes a report based on nonsense questions like what's your favorite ice cream and what's your favorite toy on the playground. Then draw a picture and now play in a little 5x6 area. Then time is up. Let's not actually ask or listen or know what the children are experiencing, let's not actually do my job. Cuz guess what, I'm so arrogant that the courts go along with what I recommend all the time so you're life and relationship is in my hands and I'll not do my job or return a phone call or protect your kids in anyway....because to me it's about the money and writing a report at some point when I get around to it that has nothing to do with any ""real"" facts, just what I felt like writing that day cuz I'm Charlene Slover and I'm bi-polar too. I went to school to make up stories as I go send them to the court and charge whatever I need to to pay for whatever I bought that month for my personal life.