My husband and i choose Carlos to be our wedding photographer. Our wedding was July 26, 2008. Now before I can go about the poor service we receive I must say he is a great photographer when he shows up. Our engagement and bridal pictures were wonderful. He did not show up to our wedding and i did not meet the replacements until I was getting dressed at the church. Both were not to the standards we would have liked. And the one photographer who stayed through our reception, did not speak english that well and we had to set our selves up for the different poses. Than he tired to make extra money on the side, by printing pictures there at our reception and asking guests if they wanted to purchase them. Very Tacky. We were suppose to have a slide show that was shown, I was suppose to have a thing made for my father when he walked me down th aisle and I did not recieve untill almost three months after the event.
Pros: He takes great pictures
Cons: Not professional and doesn't follow up on things or show up