I only went to Carolina Dermatology Group once so I can only speak to that one experience. All of the staff were nice except for Dr. Scott Miller. I have had a horrible, ichy rash which appears at night for four months. I saw the Dr. for 4 minutes (I watched on the clock) and all he did was prescribe 2 medications; 1 for allergies (which I had already tried) and another to help the itching once the rash had started (it has not helped). He prescribed this without asking any questions or even really looking at my skin. This was my first time to the Derm. so I was hoping for a ""detailed exam."" All I got was 4 minutes and 2 prescriptions (one for an over-the-counter med) which have not helped at all. I paid $85 for the visit and it was a waste. I tried calling afterwards to let the office know how dissappointed I had been, and spoke with the Dr. who was rude and defensive. I would not recommend going to Dr. Miller if you want any personal attention. I have dealt with cronic dry skin my whole life and I have a family history of psorisis (both of which I told the Dr.). I have gotten better skin advice from talking to what friends' Derm. recommended.
Pros: Easy to make a visit and nice office staff
Cons: Dr. Scott Miller...4 minutes for $85.00