We have been going to OAH for a little over 3 years now, and we are quite happy with the doctors and staff. They explain all options available and associated costs, and return phone calls if you have a question. They are very thorough and look at all possible diagnoses, from the most obvious to the more rare, and all treatments, tests and costs that are associated with them. They also follow-up with phone calls to make sure that 'Spot' is responding to the medicine or to give you an update on test results. Overall, we are very pleased with them. The only thing that I don't like is their referral for emergencies after 10pm (I think it is 10?) to the Emergency Animal Hospital up on Plainfield in Grand Rapids. Hopefully I will never have to resort to that, as driving that far in a true emergency situtation would be nerve-wracking and would take us at least 45 minutes. I do wish they offered emergency services at their office during the late-night hours. But other than that, we are happy w