My father died in 1984 and was buried at Olinger Highland Cemetery. It was in good shape then - the lawn was well-watered and the trees were green. When my mother died in 2005, we returned to the cemetery to bury her. \r
The cemetery is overrun with prairie dogs who have made holes everywhere. It is sickening to see tunnels dug through the graves. It is not a place you would want your loved ones to be buried and you certainly wouldn't want to visit them there. Unfortunately, my parents had paid for their plots many years ago so there was no choice.\r
Aside from the prairie dogs, the grass is dead in very many places as are the trees. The cemetery looks more like an old western abandoned cemetery in a ghost town than a modern cemetery.\r
There ought to be a law preventing such poor care of graves. If there is, I hope some resident of the area will bring this to the attention of the proper legal authorities. The only safe resting places are the above ground mausoleums.\r
The place is disgusting!
Pros: Nothing at all
Cons: Prarie dogs dig thru graves, dead grass and trees, disgusting