I am extremely picky about the color brown when it comes to my hair--having wanted a richer look with more depth many times in the past, I have often come out of salons with nearly black hair...not so becoming on me! I rank pretty high on the list of ""oopses"" when it comes to my hair color---so naturally, I was slightly more than a little nervous when I came to Simone for a dose of color. Once I showed her pictures, she immediately clued into what I wanted, and I could tell instantly that she just got it. She advised a gloss as well as highlights to eliminate the red undertones (left in my hair from a color stripper I had used in the past months) and leave my hair with dimension like I had wanted. I truly appreciate the time she spent graciously putting up with all my nervous questions and banter about my hair :) She was patient and was extra sure to take into consideration how I felt and what I wanted...needless to say, I was not surprised to see that the end result is B-E-A-U-tiful---I couldn't have asked for anything more! ...AND not to mention my cut was subtle enough to preserve my length, but dramatically change the way my hair falls, which I love! Simone and Melanie are both wonderfully talented --- the second you walk into Scissors, the pride they take in their work is very apparent. This will be my home salon from now on...no more oopses!