Dr. Stephen Shlafer was recommended to me by another parent when I voiced my unhappiness with the passive care my then-1 y/o son was receiving from his pediatrician. We switched to Dr. Shlafer, and I am SO glad we did (my son is now 10, and my daughter is 7). With my background as an emergency room nurse and as the mother of two children who have had health problems, I believe I am qualified to recommend Dr. Shlafer.\r
Dr. Shlafer is an example of what physicians used to be more like before managed care turned the vast majority of them into employees who are forced to see an unreasonable number of patients (spending only a few minutes with each) and who feel pressured to limit referrals and treatment. Unlike most physicians these days, Dr. Shlafer never hesitates to refer to a specialist when needed and never hesitates to order important tests to assist in his diagnosis. He is hands-on and accessible nights and weekends. He rarely takes time away from his work, and (the last time I checked) he is in his office 5 1/2 days/week as a sole practitioner.\r
Even if Dr. Shlafer had a less-than-ideal ""bedside manner,"" I would take my children to him because of his genuine care and concern for them and because of his high level of medical competence. Fortunately, Dr. Shlafer is also highly-personable, funny, and great with kids and parents! :) \r
I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Shlafer!
Pros: Highly Competent, Personable, Genuinely Caring & Concerned About Children