This was the worst dining experience I've had in the last 5 years. First there was the ambience- there's nothing wrong with sleazy dive bars, but don't try to pass yourself off as a fine-dining restaurant (with prices to match) if you are indeed the sort of seedy, unclean establishment bikers love and decent people fear. The service was slow and unimpressive, our server was reminiscent of a greasy spoon diner waitress who lost her will to live years ago. Of course she had just enough self esteem left to treat us with a mild disdain. My porterhouse ($33) was overcooked (medium- medium well, not the MR I ordered) and tough enough to be used as the black box material on an airplane, the only thing guaranteed to survive a crash. The mashed potatoes and veggies were pretty good, and my friend enjoyed his lamb. Our other friend ordered an appetizer pizza, which brings me to the best part- the blatantly fraudulent advertising. We had a coupon for a free entree of equal or lesser value with an entree purchase, and they chose to discount the $8 appetizer pizza instead of my friend's $19 lamb entree (which was the only other entree we purchased). When I brought this up in a nice way with the manager, whose tight green T-shirt was engaged in the battle of its life with her ample muffin-top, she told me that was their policy, and became downright rude and bitchy when I persisted in making my point. Even if the pizza was an entree, if the restaurant's policy is to discount the cheapest item on the check instead of the entree of equal or lesser value (as the coupon states), that policy should be mentioned somewhere in the fine print on the coupon to avoid a little thing called False and Misleading Advertising. At the very least one could say that pleasing or even just accomodating the customer falls way below smiling and probably even bathing regularly on the staff's list of priorities.
Pros: Good veggies
Cons: everything else