Let's begin with Strella/Starla - the Owner. She is a snide, immoral, unethical and curt woman who has absolutely no cares for her customers. Her bottom line is how much she and her conniving associates can persuade you to purchase overpriced gowns and present you with generic, mass-produced items from overseas (mainland China). When purchasing a wedding dress, the experience should always be memorable and on that accord, I will give it to the ladies at Brickhouse, they know how to ruin every woman's special day. \r
Continuing on with the staff, I would say that very few if none of the women working there have any ideas about the products they presume to sell. Material? Forget about asking, because as it was in our case, you'll have to chase them down to get a truthful and appropriate answer. The store presentation, if at best, is mediocre and their demeanor is quite condescending to say the least.\r
Last, I'd like to add that this store would benefit greatly from an attitude adjustment seminar as well as an ethical business practices review prior to continuing their current line of business. Starting from the owner and back down to the front office staff and sales advisors, this store breeds potential for mistrust, fraud and a lack of sensibility.\r
When choosing a store for your special day, pick anything but Brickhouse Bridal.\r
Pros: None to be mentioned.
Cons: Everything you could imagine.