On Jan 30th, my husband & I parked in the La Jolla Med & Surgical parking lot across the street from the Hyatt. There was a permanent sign post in front of the building that stated that parking was available (free) to the public after 6pm. (We even took a picture of it) We parked (along with many other cars) and walked to Flemings for dinner, which was about 2 blocks away from the parking area. When we returned, there was a large folding sign in front of the entrance (about 4' by 5' tall) stating that parking was $3 dollars. Baffled, we walked to our car and found a ticket from Parking Company of America stating ""failure to pay posted rate"" fine: $30. We looked and saw that all the cars around us also had tickets stating the same fine. There was no attendant to be found - anywhere.