First I would like to thank Candidmomm for the kind words she said about us. I appreciate them. But in regards to our policies, you have it all wrong. For anyone who has been following along, please turn to page 21of your 2008-2009 Parent Handbook. Here you will find a copy of our snow closure policy. Then I would like you to think back to when you received your contract packet for this school year. Included with your copy of the handbook was a brightly colored calender. If you don't still have yours you can see them posted in every classroom at the Barn. I invite anyone who has any questions to please talk to any staffer and have them point it out to you so you will be aware of any future closings. As always, we are more than happy to help! Just for the record, we are expensive but we are not overpriced - you will not find the care we give at any old center. I cannot believe how little ConcernedParent100 thinks of our time and our families' needs. This year was an exceptional year because Christmas fell on a Thursday ,making it a much longer vacation than usual. For every year that I have been with The Barn Yard(with the exception of this year), we have re-opend on January 2nd which means we got (including weekends) 7-8 days off. If we deserve so much Candidmomm, then why not just let us have the week ...or the 11 days, because, like I have said before, we work the last week of August! We don't do it to inconvenience anyone!!
Pros: We are The Barn Yard!!
Cons: ................still got nothing.....