When the Barn closes in late August it is upsetting to all of us when parents get upset and make jokes about us taking a vacation... We are not on vacation we are there working. Cleaning, painting, scrubbing every toy and game to make them fresh and new for the new group of children. We are also fortunate enough to have in-house training for a few hours. We are required to have 20 workshop hours every year and they are almost all done on our own time. Just and FYI for tor future, public schools close for the entire summer. They also have at least 2 half days a month and at least 1 full close day... and they have snow days, so your issue with secondary childcare is not going anywhere. We put everything into this center and it is so disheartening to hear someone talk about our center in such a passive-aggressive way. You are not commenting on bad service at a restaurant, you are commenting on the way WE help raise YOUR children. In my years at the Barn i have never been so hurt by a parent . My safety and my coworkers safety is important just like you and your family's safety. It is important, and if Westwood Public thinks we should be closed than I will stand behind them. Instead of regretting the work your missing, you should take advantage of this extra time with your child. Enjoy these little years because they are short and you will miss these times someday.
Pros: We are The Barn Yard!!
Cons: .......