Listen and trust me. Do NOT waste your money or time going there if you're not under the age of 8. When you walk in not only does it look like some high school stage crew set up the place, they have a tent where you see AND hear the whole part of the "show" before its even your turn to go. 3 tacky rooms with tacky "decorations" inside.
I was actually looking forward to going there. I love egyptian stuff but you're better off waiting for the science museum to have some kind of exhibit.
When I went there was also kids in the group who had done TOMB before and they pretty much ruined the whole thing b/c they knew what to do for everything.
20+ bucks wasted and the gas to drive in.
DO NOT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pros: We were 5 min late for our show and they let up hop in with the next show.