I received a massage at Massage Envy. I'm a massage therapy student myself, so I know some of what to look for, and what to avoid.
I was VERY impressed with my experience at massage envy. I don't know who the other users have had for their massages, and I realize that the experience with each massage therapist will be different, but I was FLOORED by my therapist. Espy (nickname only, for the therapists' privacy) was AMAZING, professional, and is EXTREMELY GOOD at therapeutic massage. She delivers a calm, measured massage - expert deep tissue work that doesn't HURT or feel like she's rearranging your skeleton. She sent me home with "homework", of sorts - a self-care regiment and some exercises to help keep my body from hurting me, and vice versa.
The clinic/spa... it's pretty nice. They certainly aren't cutting corners and costs on client care - the tables are comfortable, the linens are top-notch, the environment is as nice as you'd expect for an upscale spa. Free cup-o-tea, plush everything, etc.
If you had a bad experience, don't write off the clinic. Ask for a manager, explain what happened, and book an appointment with somebody else.
I don't work for the company, and although my review may sound like a shill, it's not. I'm not good enough to work for them (yet).
The first visit is $39 (as of 12/2009), if you ask for the new client special.
If you can afford the montly membership fee, it includes a free massage every month. Their prices for members are pretty reasonable, for non-members, they're about $10 over the going market price, but they're probably worth it, if you have a few bucks rattling around in your pocket.
Pros: Excellent, seasoned therapists, introductory price, etc.
Cons: Subscription-oriented business model