a few years back i had a cat who had a serious break in a rear leg. money was the issue and they tried to get me to hand over my cat if i couldn't pay for him...and told me if i couldn't afford to care for my cat then i shouldn't own him. that hurt me as much as my cat was in pain...you know..that tactic totally worked but hurt me to the core.... as they did with good and bad review below. i actually had to take a credit card out just for the cat. the total came to 1,600. wow. they did something to the cat while there over the 3 days they kept him that eventually made a pretty big patch of hair scab up and then fall out, never to grow back in. my poor, leper cat. i love him anyways...lol, but point being. these VETS strong armed me into paying a HUGE amount of money for my cat's leg repair and then damaged the cat. you know..i didn't have time to sue them, by the time i left there i didn't have the heart nor the time as i had to work overtime to pay for it all. i felt beat.