I went to the hospital because something happened to my fingers, but some fat guy in there kept puking on me, and some chick named Zoey kept eyeing off this fella who I tried to tell about my traumatic ordeal with the fat puking guy, but he told me to stfu, mind you, before bending her over. I went to the nurses for help, they tried to claw my eyes out, explain that one!
I went to cry in an elevator, and some black dude came running at me chucking heaps of what appeared to be pills at me while screaming his head off about pills. well anyways I went to cry on the roof but there was heaps of guns and another word for fecal matter up there, seriously what the hell! kind of hospital is this? seriously. So while I was sitting up on the roof minding my own buisness ignoring the weapons, that rectum opening from earlier comes up telling me to piss off again! I was there first. Do something!
Pros: nothing
Cons: everything