I have never posted one of these reviews before but feel I need to spread the word about HER Club to anyone who has dealt with persistent joint and muscle pain. I read about the power plate machine they offered as a training aide and went in just to try out the three day gym trial since the club is close to where I work. The proprietor Jonathan took me through several standard training exercises with the addition of doing them on the power plate. He explained that the technology of the machine was originally designed to combat muscle loss in astronauts in zero gravity. Apparently the action of the oscillating plates you work out on forces short muscle action as you simultaneously activate large muscle groups, which results in a more effective workout. He then went on to say that this machine combats spinal compression and helps people with back and joint pain.
I have been dealing with chronic joint pain and muscle tightness since a sports injury a few years ago that has literally left me lying on my back for days at times and affected my posture severely for a period of a couple months more than once. I have tried Swedish and thai massage, traditional chiropractic, bikram yoga, and medication to alleviate my pain. Some hurt me more, some made me feel somewhat better right afterward, but the pain would never have been fully alleviated and always come right back.
After one session I went home feeling like I usually do after a good workout, pretty good and stronger than I was before I went to the gym. The next day was what made me a complete convert. My lower back and hips felt fine, my calves did not feel tight, and the most amazing thing is my neck was not cracking like it had been. I went in to get treated by other methods for my original problems and ended up with this neck cracking that seriously freaked me out. I am 27 and felt like I was broken/ damaged for life.
I am one of the most cynical people you will ever meet and I have to say this treatment is the best thing since sliced bread, as far as I’m concerned. It has been weeks since I did a full workout ONE TIME and I am still feeling significantly better, and my neck is still almost completely free from freaky popping and when it does crack it’s nothing in comparison to what it was. I have been telling everyone in my office, my parents, my friends, etc because it truly is an amazing technology.
They also do non-surgical facelifts and weight loss programs using technology I have never been told about before. I tried the intro weight loss session and definitely felt as though I had done an intense resistance workout for a few days afterward.
My only complaint is that there is only one location. Do your body a favor, you will thank me!
Pros: best training and pain relieving equipment ever
Cons: one location