ABC Auto Sales is EXACTLY like EZ Kredit Auto Sales. In fact, both the owners of EZ Kredit Auto Sales and ABC Auto Sales are good friends, hence the title of this review. I need not even repost. The pros and cons are the same. PLEASE look up my review on EZ Kredit to understand why this is a bad business to deal with. Also search for them under the local tab on Yahoo! and tell your friends! We MUST do better as customers! We deserve the best for our money, especially in these hard times, and its time we start demanding it! If no one speaks up when crooked business use under-handed tactics to get over on the little people that work hard for their money, who will? PLEASE go look them up and comment if you have experience with them. And , equally as important, TELL YOUR FRIENDS and tell them to tell THEIR friend! We will make a change, one step at a time!