The night before going for procedure I thoroughly followed up with the office and my insurance company to make sure everything was covered. Upon arrival they confirmed my insurance & said everything was good to go & collected my expected copay. While in the operating room-with an IV in arm-legs in stirrups the doctor decided he would not accept my insurance unless I paid $700 at that exact moment otherwise I had to leave. I had my significant other deal with the situation-as I was hooked up to an IV at that time. Not only did Dr. Rho treat me in this manner-he made me get up and go to the recovery room-all while an IV still in arm. He then proceeded to treat the staff with the most disrespect I've seen a doctor treat someone-just to get payment.
After it was decided to pay just to get things moving my significant other contacted my insurance company and they said it was all covered and there was no reason I should have paid $700 on top of the copay.
When the procedure was taken place-I was not warned the anesthesia had been administered & suddenly felt dizzy and passed out. I was given no prior notice. I never felt so uncomfortable with a doctor in my entire life-the most unprofessional person I have come across.
After bringing the insurance issue to the attention of the receptionist Bino she not only hung up on my family trying to sort though this mess-but hung up on my insurance company. My insurance company luckily is excellent in customer care and followed through very thoroughly and will reimburse me for this. I would not be surprised if this clinic loses it's contract with my insurance provider. Complaints have been filed with all the proper authorities. I would not recommend this clinic to anyone-wait the extra week if needed.
Pros: fast waiting time & pleasant nurses
Cons: disrespectful Dr & reception