Well friends : One nite very late I recived a disturbing phone call to come and get My younger sibling ""OR ELSE"" it was going to ber Then Boys In Gray , So I jumped into the only car I had which was My Just Nearly completed a newly painted Blue 1964 Dodge 330 2 Door sedan. The car only had Transporter plates on it with out a front one and you know the X-Ray eye's of them ""Troopers"" even tough I had done Years Of ""QT"" work for them while driving Recovery Vehicles on the TSP Parkway, the very next day I went to retreive My car only to be told The Bill is 400.00 Yankee Dollars for a 8 mile tow . So Me knowing not to argue or the bill keeps going up said OK I'll be back at the end of the week when I get paid . Now foplks it took Me 3 yrs of back breaking hand sanding Metal Fabrication Painting and all the fuel lines and Brkes lines and many many orther things New tires ! So anyway I went to Reliablew to picjk up my car and the NO GOOD SOB had the Berriers to tell Me he had to sell it cause he needed the room ! BUT WHEN I RESISTED HE REACHED FOR HIS ANKLE HOLSTERED 38. CAL PISTOL ! That Theft has Had vehicles around that place so long the tires were under ground . Anyway My Car Vanished into thin Air and there was NOTHING I COULD DO ! NO DUE PROCESS NO NOTHING JUST STOLEN .. and I have at least 10 Witnesses that would gladly come forward to testify . Thank you Mr Pete Breese ....
Pros: Lightning fast on the Theft
Cons: Once it's in therer Fence it's GONE