Six months after winning my 3rd Cycling National Championship, a near fatal auto accident left me with a broken femur and a shattered hip that required extensive reconstruction surgery. This included nine 3.5’ screws and a 10’ plate. Six months after the operation I was finally able to walk but recovery and riding were very slow. My hip and leg were now different in size, strength, sensitivity, stability and geometry. Rehab was predictably challenging but I was determined to get back into racing condition as soon as possible.\r
After a year of grueling work I was back competing in Bike races but only at 80 percent. In addition to the rehab issues, I just couldn’t find the sweet spot of power and comfort on the bike that I used to know. It was during this period that a friend suggested I have professional bike fit with Husam Sahin at ATA Cycle in Concord, MA.\r
I’ve been a Cat 1 racer for 20 years but never had a Pro fit. I guess my success just clouded its advantages. In 2002 & 2003 I was the number one ranked Cat 1 USCF Crit. Rider in the Country and was skeptical that anyone could do a better job than I did for myself. \r
But this time around things were very, very different and I knew I needed help in a big way, so I made an appointment with Husam.\r
When I met Husam for the first time, my immediate impression was that ‘this guy approaches bike fitting (and bikes generally) in the same way any true master looks at their craft; with passion, attention to detail and the pursuit of perfection. I connected instantly with his unassuming manner and expert commentary around the specificity, comfort and individuality aspects of the total bike fit.\r
Husam and I have worked together for over a year and I have grown to appreciate our relationship a great deal. To be sure, there are the expected professional client service aspects but Husam provides far more than just this. He is also a teacher & mentor and of a caliber normally reserved for the elite European Pro Peloton. This is something you can’t buy. \r
We have done 2 fits spaced apart over many months. We have made adjustments to my position improving my power output as my strength increases. Thanks to Husam’s guidance, my racing form started coming around in 2009. I finished 3rd in the fairly renowned Pro 1-2 New Britain Criterium with around 100 entries. Not bad for an injured 46 year old against 100 guys most of who were in their twenties.\r
Recently we did a re-fit to set up the optimum position for 2010. Husam made a few more adjustments to my fit that improved my power by 60 watts! Need I say more?\r
Pros: Expertise and Attention