THANK YOU to John at bodyFi!
Two months ago, I was a demoralized couch potato. Several years of a basically sedentary lifestyle and a not-so-healthy relationship with rich foods had pushed the numbers on the scale to places I'd never seen before. My clothes didn't fit, and I didn't understand why I kept gaining more and more weight. I felt stuck, overwhelmed, and angry with myself. I needed serious help, and when I called John Nguyen, I got it.
I've been working out with John 3x a week (one day a week at bodyFi's tidy Van Ness studio, and two days in my home), and two months later my body looks and feels completely different. I have a waist again! With John's guidance and sane nutritional advice, I've dropped over 12 pounds and 8 inches...during the holidays, I might add.
John is a knowledgeable, dedicated professional. He's particularly great at knowing just how far to push me to keep the workouts challenging, without feeling like torture...I always finish a session feeling strong and proud of myself. I've felt so encouraged by my progress and how I feel that I actually ENJOY exercising and look for opportunities (hiking, yoga, etc.) on my own.
I'm so grateful for this change in my's been worth every penny and every minute!