I walk in the store and this man is yelling at the clerk. I mean yelling on and on about this battery he wants to return. So I find what I want and it’s overpriced (the normal here) and I get in line in the black ropes, which I have done many times before in many different autozones. I am standing here for at least 10 minutes with other customers behind me waiting for them to resolve this whatever issue. Finally they him whatever he wants to shut him up. I take one step to the clerk that got chewed out and a customer swoops and he gets rung up. So mad am I, raising my voice, I say I am next in line. The clerk said you’re in a different line. Keep in mind I was stand there for 10 minutes and he saw me there waiting with people behind me. I dropped the merchandise and said I’ll just go to wal-mart it’s always less…and it was $1.79 compared to $3.99 for starter fluid.
Pros: overpriced?
Cons: jerks work there