These people do not care about anything other than there Money. Money Must be paid in full in advance of the procedure. These people have utterly no regard for there patients. They will ALWAYS try to talk you into the absolute most expensive procedure available, and that is regardless of what is best for you. What is best for Arbor Dental is there Money, certainly not practicing medicine in a legal manner and providing the patient with the best info and procedure for the individual. That is how you practice medicine.
Its Whats best for the Patient, NOT WHAT GETS THE DOC THE MOST MONEY
The employees who work here are disgusting salesman. They will talk you into any procedure whether it is necessary or not since the only thing they want is more money. These individuals are mindbogglingly unintelligent, Just like the Car Salesman. Certainly Not individuals I would want Anywhere near my mouth
This entire Dental Office Should be tried before a Jury for being such disgusting Criminals. These are the individuals that ruin peoples lives, and simply don't care.
Pros: Expensive free coffee
Cons: Employ Criminal Policies