I was in a car wreck in April of 2008...I started getting vertigo (dizziness) and saw my primary physician that referred me to an ENT in Baytown. After many visits he had referred me to a Neurologist at Jacinto Medical Group...Dr. Pandey. I was pregnant at the time when he diagnosed me with Occipital Neuralgia due to my car wreck. I was having HORRIBLE headaches and vertigo. He wanted to do a MRI but due to my pregnancy I couldn't at the time. My headaches seemed to get better until this past November I apparently aggravated my issue. Dr. Pandey had left in July and a new doctor Dr. Palvaldi took over his practice. At first she seemed on top of her game. She prescribed me different medications and gave me corticosteriod shots in my neck. After the lidocaine had wore off it felt like someone had hit me in the back of the head with a baseball bat. I had called crying to her nurse and was told that another doctor would see me the next day since Dr. Palvaldi was not going to be in that day. I saw Dr. Pardo who is completely erogant and very full of himself wouldn't let me talk about how I was feeling and demanded I was having migranes and either he wanted to inject me again or give me IV depakote. I was trying to tell him I wasn't having migraines but he was sure I was. The depakote did not work. I scheduled another appt. with Dr. Palvaldi who wanted to reinject me again with corticosteriod shots, I was hesitant but believed she is a doctor and knows what she is doing.... she also told me she did not see that I had nystagmus, she treated me as if there was nothing wrong with me. She also scheduled me to have a MRI of head and cervical (neck). When the MRI was over the lidocaine had wore off and again it felt like someone had hit me in the head with a baseball bat... I walked back over to Dr. Palvaldi office crying asking to see her...she had already left for the day but the nurse called her. She got me on the phone and treated me as if I was lying and I was just seeking narcotics for false pain that I was telling her I was feeling. She never called me for my MRI result but was told they came back negative for anything. After seeing another neurologist I was told that NONE of the meds. that Dr. Palvaldi would have EVER worked for the fact that I have 3 buldging discs in my neck and that my cervical does not curve like it should due to the muscles in my neck being on the EXTREME side of tension and that I do INDEED have nystagmus. I resent the two doctors I saw at Jacinto Medicla Group, Dr. Palvaldi and Dr. Pardo for treating me as if I was crackhead making up stories of me having pain and seeking narcotics and most of all NOT listening to me! I am the patient and I have a REAL problem and if they would have seen the MRI and read it correctly then they would have seen the 3 bulging discs and the problem with my curving of my cervical!!! Everyone that sees these doctors needs to be aware that they do NOT listen to you and they want to give you major drugs to fix a problem that OBVIOUSLY they don't have a clue about.