I am going to use one of the strongest arguments I can think of to convince any true Manhattanite about this gym: I go to Iron and Silk and I LIVE IN BROOKLYN.
Any true islander knows that to ""cross the river' for anything, that anything better be good. I know this because I was once a true blue burough-centric purest, then i met a man, fell in love, moved - but that's another story. Point is no matter what, I would stay with my gym, and if i gave up my Manhattan for him he would join Iron and Silk for me. My boyfriend and I love being members of Iron and Silk so much because Stu and Christina (husband and wife owners) are the most genuine hosts we know. Writing this review feels like writing a pro for a family member. I personally have trained one on one with Christina for over a year. As I told my boyfriend, purchasing training packages is no longer a luxury, it is absolute necessity. I see her 1-2 times a week, nothing obsessive, but she is the perfect does of down-to-earth-ness?, positivity, and light that I think we all need some of in Gothem. Please before entering stale Dolphins, Equinoxes, NYHRC, or god forbid NYSC or something Crunchy go visit Iron and Silk and introduce yourself to Stu and Christina.
Pros: Sincerity
Cons: No teleportation method yet, Scotty.