I took my rabbit there for its first check up, it was two and a half months old at the time. I read up online that they would need spaying/neutering to prevent sickness, cancer etc. and I wanted to know the details and the outcome if I go forward with the procedure. I was in the room with the vet as he check and weigh my bunny, he told me things I already know and couldn't educate me any further then the rabbit sites online. I told the vet that as far as I know it's a girl and a gift from my sister. I dont know for sure what sex it is, he picked it up and felt around and said yes it's a girl. The vet doesnt recommend spaying because the surgery would be extarnal and that's too harmful. At that point I knew I had to hear a second opinion elsewhere. A month later my bunny was playing at it's usual favorite corner of the house and I picked it up and be hold I saw what conform it as a male. I was shock and angry at the clueless vet, they will not have my service again. But through all the confusion we still love our bunny whatever sex it may be! I
Pros: First Visit free with online coupon
Cons: Vet knows little to nothing