I went for electrolysis here 3 times for both upper lip and brows - each time I left with at least one small bruise (black & blue later to turn yellow) even though I was told that it was an "accident" and not normal. One time it was right before my sis's wedding when I begged the esthetician to be careful after which I left with a bruise at least a 1/2 inch round (thank GOD for makeup!). What I didn't realize through this process was that I was also getting skin discoloration - similar to sunspots on my upper lip. After the 2nd visit I thought maybe, but "blamed" it on the lights. After the 3rd there really is no denying it - I have darker spots of skin on my uppder lip from this treatment! I've been told that this is a side effect of doing electrolysis incorrectly. I'm very disappointed and now worse than worrying about upper lip hairs I now have to find a way to fix the dark spots on my skin!!!