On 3 separate medical visits, these folks have NOT gotten back to me with test results. I've had to call and call, leave messages, wait and wait and when the call backs finally came, they were from a secretary or nurse or someone who was NOT the doctor. Each and every time, these young girl voices gave me WRONG test result information. When I questioned them, they got surly and rude in an effort to disguise their lack of knowledge. I feel concerned for those that truly rely on the advice of these folks and do not have enough saavy to actually get a copy of their test results and read and question them for themselves. Do your self a favor, if you do use this practice, insist on seeing your test results with your own eyes and perhaps get a second opinion. These folks need to sharpen their security practices and concern themselves with accurate information and get rid of the foolish kids that ""work"" behind the front counter.
Pros: easy to get an appointment
Cons: difficult to get prompt and accurate test results